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. Germanica Top 10
. . Aiden Hunter 20240524 Who created the conditions for low birthrates in the West
. . Arthur Kwon Lee 20240509 draws parallels between America and pre-war Germany
. . Calley and Casey Means 20240819 The Truth About How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick
. . Candace Owens 20240802 Trump vs. Black Journalist. Who won.
. . Dr. Ralph Wildes 20240228 Testimony at the International Court of Justice hearing on Israel
. . Foundring 20240124 Swindlers Grift
. . John Mearsheimer 20240629 Exposes How the Jewish Lobby Controls US Politics
. . Nicholas J Fuentes 20240814 What We DEMAND From the Trump Campaign
. . Nicholas J Fuentes 20240918 Israel Detonates Explosive Pagers Across Lebanon
. . The Duran 20240913 UK missiles ready to strike Russia. Putin warns USUK
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. . Speed the Shift News
. . Zero Hedge
. . Signs of the Times
. Germanica Top 10 Editorial >
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. . After the Red Pill (20161123)
. . Principles of Germanica (20220327)
. . The Cabal (20170913)
. . Us (20180930)
. Video Series
. . EUROPA - The Last Battle >
. . Jewish Communism in South Africa >
. Resources by Source
. . Sheldon Adelson >
. . Julian Assange >
. . Mr. Bond >
. . Walter Bowart >
. . Hillary Clinton >
. . Mark Collett >
. . Ann Coulter >
. . Daily Stormer Sunday Edition >
. . Dr. David Duke >
. . Julius Evola >
. . Henry Ford >
. . Newt Gingrich >
. . Joseph Goebbels Final Speech >
. . Golden Dawn >
. . Trey Gowdy >
. . Madison Grant >
. . Rabi Yossi Gurvitz >
. . Simon Harris Memorial >
. . Martin Heidegger >
. . Adolph Hitler >
. . David Hume >
. . David Irving >
. . Anetta Kahane >
. . Paul Krugman >
. . Fred Leuchter >
. . Martin Luther >
. . Dr. Kevin MacDonald >
. . Emmanuel Macron tax evasion >
. . General James Mattis >
. . Millennial Woes >
. . Dr. Kai Murros >
. . The National Policy Institute >
. . Friedrich Nietzsche >
. . Barack Obama >
. . Dr. Revilo P. Oliver >
. . Dr. William Luther Pierce >
. . Pizzagate >
. . Vladamir Putin >
. . Barbara Spectre >
. . Richard Spencer >
. . Lothrop Stoddard >
. . Donald Trump >
. . Project Veritas >
. . Weev >
. . Bishop Williamson >
. . Tim Wise >
. . Ernst Zundel >
. Other
. . Documents >
. . Imagery >
. . The Holy Bible (King James Version) >
. . Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany - 1919-1932 >
. . Protocols of the Elders of Zion >
. . The Bell Curve >
. . The Birth of a Nation [1915] >